Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Managerial Applications of Technology (Business Intelligence and Assignment - 1

Managerial Applications of Technology (Business Intelligence and Knowledge Management) 2 - Assignment Example The computational power increase enables more data handling, and faster response and resolution of the problems and queries. The two are mere advancements of the field of technology made possible through the business intelligence support system. The impact of these two functions is rapid delivery rates and increased participation of the employees in the working procedures. These three variables work in a complementing manner towards one another. The possible costs of this massive expansion could be the need for establishing maintenance costs. Training the employees to work on the state of the art technology based networks is another constraint. Possible appearance of bug in the network may be another cost and constraint (Levinson, Bell, & Liu, 2011, p. 194). More data nearly always means better decision making. Since it allows clear litmus like test of the performance, achievements and the dates and objectives missed in the quantitative terms. Hence it can be easily advocated for that the data expansion and using business intelligence systems always pays dividends in the form of improved performance, self assessment and better employees understanding (Quintero, 2010). Donovan, F. (2013, Feb 20). Gartner: Microsoft, Oracle, IBM lead BI and analytics market. Retrieved from fierceenterprisecommunications: Levinson, D., Bell, M., & Liu, H. X. (2011). Network Reliability in Practice: Selected Papers from the Fourth International Symposium on Transportation Network Reliability. Springer Science & Business

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