Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Self Attendance and Participation evaluation Essay

Self Attendance and Participation evaluation - Essay Example The topic that stirred the most curiosity in me was the article on ‘It’s a Flat World, After All’. The article talks about how globalization has taken over the world. The author of the article calls the world a flat world because of the extent of globalization that has occurred in the world. The article talks about how India has taken advantage of globalization and outsourcing, and is contributing towards the overall process of globalization. The world has become smaller today as compared to the previous century. Today a software engineer sitting in a separate country can develop well suited software for international firms and this shows the extent to which the world has shrank today. I was not aware of the present day situation of outsourcing and off –shoring and therefore the article took me by surprise. I knew about the software industry of India but the facts that the article revealed were amazing to say the least. The article also calls for keeping a pace with the fast moving world as everyone will have to work really hard to make any progress in the new globalized flat world. The graduate work force all over the world is increasing specially in the developing countries like China and India. This is why it is extremely important to work hard in today’s flat work. I think I have fared really well in the area of attendance and class participation. I have worked really hard to give in all my work on time meeting all the deadlines. For the past 5 weeks I have attended all classes and have also participated to my best. I will award 6 points to my attendance as I have taken all classes. Attendance points should be full because attendance has not been an issue with me. I will assign 4 points for participation because I have participated considerably in the class however, there is room for improvement. This is why I have not assigned full points to myself when it comes to

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