Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Case Study Report - Introduction to Marketing Essay

Case Study Report - Introduction to Marketing - Essay Example They are efficient in their own term of making the product efficiently, however they did not have any proper marketing knowledge to launch their product. Here we try to help them by considering different issues to evaluate the market. What types of customers are able and like to buy the urban shack product is discussed by consumer segmentation. Here we try to find the group of customers, who will be their target customer. Next we try to identify the business segmentation of Eco Shack. Irrespective of the individual customers, in terms of B2B business that can be approached also the findings in this sector. The branding and positioning of the product also discussed here. What strategies will maximise the customer attraction is the main motto here. In pricing approach, the company is likely to use the cost based approach. What are the basic advantages and disadvantages of this approach is also discussed here.... Some may needed a spare room for their business, or accommodate study or for the older parents or children. As the New Zealander also love to go summer vacation in different destinations like sea beach or mountain, most of them are situated in remote areas, where they need accommodations. A shack which is a type of small, often primitive shelter can use for these type of needs. As the environment is changing one should consider the environment factor while considering the accommodations. As it authorised by the Efficiency and Conservation Authority (EFCA) new building developers increased the usage of insulation rating requirements. Mr. Dough who holds a diploma degree from National Diploma in Architectural Technology (NDAT), and Mr. Paul, who is a qualified welder have come up with two Eco products – Eco shack and urban eco shack. Eco –Shacks are 2.4 to 3 meters wide and varying length from 3.6 meters long transportable building. This can be easily transported by an He rb truck or by Helicopter. It also maintains the NZS3604 standard. With a minimum50 years of life, it has several features like it built on timer framing, eco-ply cladding, wind turbine, battery storage, composting toilet, phone and data connection, long run colour, steel roofing and many other features. It will cost around NZ$35,000 to $40,000. The Urban Eco Shack is having some more features like wool carpet, Sensor light, smoke alarm. It sized about 3.6*2.4 meter floor area with 0.9*2.4 meter deck. The unit cost will be NZ$12,500. However this has been advertised on Trade &Exchange and in The New Zealand Herald, the owner is unable to find any response. In the following areas we try to find different market segmentation. Consumer segmentation Consumer segmentation

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