Saturday, August 10, 2019

GOV.13US & MO CONSTITUTIONS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

GOV.13US & MO CONSTITUTIONS - Essay Example The decision to eliminate the U.S citizens from voting for the senators was thought to allow for judicial appointments and the ratification treaties. The twenty first amendments stated that the importation and transportation of alcohol to any state or the possession and the use of any intoxicating liquors was prohibited while the eighteenth amendment mandated national prohibition of alcohol and ushered in the prohibition period. During this period, the manufacture, the sale and the distribution of alcohol was prohibited (Jeffers, 2000). The nineteenth amendment gave women the right to vote. Women obtained the right to vote while this is still practical in 2013. Women are still objectified in 2013 with great numbers of women coming out to vote during elections. For example, the U.S government has forty four women representatives in the senate government. This demonstrates that women are still objectified today. 4.   How would you like to get your paycheck with no taxes taken out?   What amendment started federal income tax?   Is our current tax system fair?   What do the political parties generally say about taxes? The sixteen amendments legalized the collection of tax on income. The current system is fair since it give reasonable requirements for the collection of tax. Majority of the U.S political parties give total support for the collection of income tax. They believe that the collection of the income tax affects dramatic changes in the country’s way of life. The twenty sixth amendments lowered the voting age from the age of twenty one to the age of eighteen years. During the Vietnam War, there was the slogan’ old enough to vote’. During this time the eighteen years old children were recruited to the army and granted the right to vote. The twenty third amendments granted the Washington D.C the right to vote and cast votes for the vice president and the president during elections. Before then, they could not vote for the president because

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