Sunday, October 6, 2019

Homo Sexual- Rogerian Argument Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Homo Sexual- Rogerian Argument - Essay Example Critic’s view: In the paper written by (Smith), child adoption by homosexual couples has been favored. (Smith) has made an extremely biased approach to speak in favor of child adoption by the homosexual couples. This can be estimated from the fact that he refers to the conceptions against child adoption by homosexual couples as myths and those in favor of child adoption by homosexual couples as facts. Smith says that it is nothing but a myth that children raised in homosexual couples may become homosexual themselves. Smith also refers to it as a myth that children raised in homosexual family systems may be harassed by their peers and be put into social exclusion. He says that children have a habit of making fun of one another for any reason. Children are made fun of for being short, tall, skinny or obese. He says that if a child does not grow in a homosexual family system does not mean that he/she will not be made fun of by the peers. However, there is a lot of difference betw een the harassment offered for any reason and that offered for being a part of a homosexual family. A child may be obese or skinny for a short period of time, but his/her association with the homosexual family remains a source of embarrassment for the whole of his/her life. Smith denies the fact that every child requires both male and female parents. â€Å"Children without homes have neither a mother nor a father as role models. And children get their role models from many places besides their parents. These include grandparents, aunts and uncles, teachers, friends, and neighbors† (Smith 4). Justification against the points raised by critics: Environment that cultivates in the home of homosexuals may be extremely harmful to the psychology of the children. The child may remain intact from the effects of his/her homosexual parents’ sexuality, though the child is quite likely to adopt a life style in which monogamy is discouraged, and extremely risky sexual behavior preva ils. Gays assume a very high verisimilitude of acquiring the Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (HIV/AIDS) as compared to heterosexual couples. A vast majority of cases in which people acquire this deadly disease happens through wrongful sexual practices. Gayism and lesbianism is the primary source of the spread of AIDS around the world. If either or both of the homosexual parents suffer from AIDS, the children are exposed to the threat of acquiring AIDS. There is a parenting equation that is conducive for the accurate psychological and physiological development of children. This parenting equation lays down respective roles and responsibilities for parents from both the genders. According to the equation, every child requires two parents that belong to opposite genders. Every child requires a male parent and a female parent. The male parent or the father plays the role of sperm donor to make the child gain birth, and later plays the role of bread earner for the whole family. Contr ary to that, the female parent or the mother plays the role of making the baby and giving birth to him/her, and later assumes the responsibility of the child’s psychological and physiological nurturing at home. She makes best use of the money earned by the father and spends it in such a way that is beneficial for the whole family as well as the children. Healthy development of a child requires bo

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