Monday, October 7, 2019

The notion that Internally Displaced Persons are forced migrants Essay

The notion that Internally Displaced Persons are forced migrants denied rights to claim asylum - Essay Example The category we are interested with is the people who have been exiled within their own country. Moving on further one more that is to be known is why such migration do takes place. This can be divided into three broad classes. The first of it being the most common and easily viewed reasons keeping in view the present situations. People are forced to leave their shelter and peaceful life when their own state and government fails to provide adequate security to their people. Ibrahim, M. (2005) As a result the populace is left with no reasons to but leave their country unwillingly. Second, comes the cause when people are made to leave their homes for the so- called development the state undertakes, in many cases the people are initially promised to be given a place, a shelter but it turns out to be false. It generally incorporates in it the infrastructural improvement like dams, roads, canals, infrastructure expansion, and urban extension and so on. Finally, we have the persons who hav e been left homeless due to the uncalled natural disasters like floods, cyclones, torrential rainfalls, deadly hailstorms and the list may go on. In the recent the frequency of these calamities have led it to become one of the most prominent reason for the internally displaced people or what we may on a general base term as forced expatriates. Moreover, now we take up internally displaced people as to how they come up in this category. It is one of the most misunderstood categories. It is generally confused with refugees although both of them have and entirely different concept. Therefore we first we should have a proper idea as to what refugees are and what makes them different than the persons who are displaced within their own country. Refugees have been ensured protection with the help of different treaties, laws and conventions which also guarantees the refugees or foreign expatriates rights in any part of the world. As the UN has elaborated, refugee is term which would be give n to those entire people who are made to leave their homes and go beyond their country’s borders i.e. they move out of the place of their birth or nationality and settle in some foreign lands. Indra, D. (ed) (1999). The refugees have been recognized since the olden times, they are product of wars or foreign domination over a place. Since 1984 there has been great development so that plea of refugees can be heard and their needs can be looked after. We have many governmental and independent bodies working for refugees. On the other hand, when it comes to the IDP’s we see that they are hardly looked after. Koser K. (2007). They are not given proper rights nor are they looked after by their own state. Currently, there are present fifty-two countries, which have been inflicted by this problem. Amongst all these countries Africa tops the list with the most internally displaced people due to the ethnic and religious violence which has been ongoing for quite long. We do not h ave many organizations that are there to help these people who are made to leave their own homes and have to move some other part of the country but they are not treated in the way they should be as the citizens of the country. We have an acronym for them which DPRE’s a term used to refer such people by the governmental and military organizations. Cohen, R (2006). This is an increasing problem but has not been given much importance however, in the nineties

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